Monday, March 15, 2010

A Tear Fell,...(A song by Candy Statts)

A tear fell from the Father's eye
as the Son left the Father's throne.
All Heaven stood in silence
as He walked off alone.
We could hear the angels singing
on a bright and starry night
And suddenly our lives were filled
with a great and saving light.

There was silence in the throneroom
as He walked up Golgotha's hill
Then we heard the sounds of nails and shouts
Then the air got very still.
A sacrifice was promised
He chose to die for the sins of men
His voice was heard to cry out
"It is finished" then the darkness came.

There was singing in the throneroom
when He rose up from that grave
When He went to redeem the souls of men
that He had come to save.
He took the keys of Hell and death
and He threw them on the ground
Now we can see Him face to face
Can you hear the rejoicing sound.

A tear will fall from the Father's eye
when we approach His glorious throne,
For His love was never ceasing
though we felt all alone.
We will never more remember
the years of hurt and pain
The things the worm has eaten
He will restore again.

We'll hear the angels in the throneroom
Singing songs of highest praise
With our voices we will join in
For the Lamb who completely saves.
The Son of Heaven made the way.
The Son of Heaven,
He made the way.

There will be singing in the throneroom,
There will be singing in the throneroom,...

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